June 2019 – Burning the candle at both ends, while attending a conference, I tried to capture many images I had not been able to before. Thanks to Bill, my co-worker, for carrying my camera bag which helped me have a little more freedom.
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As I found, the Lincoln Memorial is a popular destination.....who knew? I had taken many photos with hundreds of people clogging up my photo, so another day while going to the Korean War Memorial, I saw this over my shoulder. The tree line perfectly covered all the people.

The Iwo Jima Memorial followed by the Washington Monument and then the Capital Building is an epic trio. My next goal is to get the sunrise.

You can almost see this Red Panda saying "Oh Shit" as he is walking along the log and slipped a little.

After his little slip (previous photo), he looked down and saw all the observers and then got a little conscious and hid behind a tree.

The very tip of the Washington National Cathedral was visible from my hotel room and this incredible cloud formation and sunset offered up this picture.

Just another Capital Building picture. I brought my zoom lens and was dropped off at the Capital. I quickly realized I had to start walking.....and walking.....and a mile later, here we are. They had some kind of silly monstrous tent in the front yard I decided to crop out.

This guys was going to town on his bamboo....he scrunched his nose every time he ripped bamboo leaves off.

For some reason this memorial stuck in my head more than the others. This was the angle I remembered the most, so thought it fitting to capture it. Fun fact, Abe's hands were formed in sign language for A. L.

The reflection pond between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Memorial. Arriving at about 10pm thinking, no one will be out at this time......wrong. It took me forever to get this shot without a scooter destroying my long exposure. Well, and some tripod technical difficulties. Bill played with it and fixed it while I was laying on the ground taking this picture.